

Softonic review

Ireport UI Changer For Technical Team

Ireport UI Changer is a free Chrome add-on developed by AHMED MOKHTAR. It falls under the category of Browsers, specifically Add-ons & Tools. This plugin is designed specifically for the technical team to enhance the user interface of I-REPORT.

With Ireport UI Changer, the technical team can easily add bootstrap to controls and realign them in HTML pages. This add-on provides a seamless way to modify the UI of I-REPORT, making it more visually appealing and user-friendly.

The plugin simplifies the process of customizing the controls by automatically applying the bootstrap framework. This allows the technical team to quickly and efficiently align and style the controls in HTML pages.

Overall, Ireport UI Changer is a valuable tool for the technical team working with I-REPORT, providing them with the ability to easily enhance the user interface and improve the overall user experience.

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